

twenty four

time is passing swiftly on the calendar
and sometimes slowly on a day to day basis.
it usually goes that way when one is so excited for a circled date.
 just a few months until this new life enters our world.
this life that will change ours forever
change mine forever
my heart is so full of love.
as i sit rocking in the chair we just purchased for baby
 its easy to imagine holding her in my arms.
my little girl is excited to meet her sister 
her only stipulation is that she still remains the baby
 this should be an easy condition to meet.
she will always be my little baby.
 being a mom is 
::the greatest::
gift of my life.
i can feel myself slowing down some,
not that i have had much energy in this pregnancy.
 i have been forced to be still.
aside from struggling through nausea, fatigue, 
heartburn, shortness of breath and an overall diversion to food
i have mentioned many times here my struggle with surfacing emotions.
i miss my dad terribly and have felt his presence strongly in these months
but i also miss my family. my mom and my sister.
i will never go into these relationships in this forum i will just
say that they are not in my life and it is a void in my life.
as i get closer to the end i am beginning
to feel this serene peace wash over me.
i have dealt with the wounds and allowed them to be exposed to 
the air and sun and heal on their own.
and they are.
now i can focus more on myself and this special time.
i have to rest and try and put on more weight
and let my sweet Z and little girl pamper me.
so here i am 24 weeks and in a place 
i couldn't have imagined a year ago
but so thankful for the journey and where it has led me
and who i have become through it.
i am a

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isolation-rainy windows-rock hunting- stick carving- mobile making-picture jumping- secrets-cedar wood, sandalwood, lavender, lemongrass, broken green leaves and baby twigs- open skies that fill my belly- duality- paths that never cross- the smell of knees- red wine, campfire tea-home roasted coffee, green smoothies, yellow delicious apples everyday, fever dreams- drinking from cantaloupes- medium format photography- renegade art- dirty knees- patches- stripes-plaster- diy- reality and daydreams switching places- digging clay- oscillating fans- dioramas- tree worlds- travel tree travelogues- carrots- memories of my father that crawl across the floor, up my arms and into my cheeks- captured images- captured thoughts on my nightstand-turtle homes- hopes- sweat from hard work- long bike rides and aching legs- brushing my teeth outside- dirty fingernails- ink on my hands- unfiltered thoughts- originality- creating from beginnings-mint fields in mist- empty canvases,tubes of paint and endless nights- screaming songs into the wind- sharing secrets with birds- puddles, creeks, streams, hidden worlds behind waterfalls- feather tattoos-looking through paper towel rolls- defying Murphy and his law- green and blue- tearing out pictures- "Ah, but I was so much older then,
I'm younger than that now."(bob dylan)- "I have tried in my way to be free"(leonard cohen)... knowing these words to my very core.- learning-exploring-learning-exploring-slowly moving and watching and experiencing all fully and within the ritual, catching my reflection as a little girl...