

that which is short lived

Occasionally i become acutely aware of the temporariness of that which surrounds me.
Not in the sense of my mortality...that always hangs mockingly above me.
To the different lives I create that lack sustainability.
It almost seems, it is that lacking, that gives me comfort.
It keeps me on an edge- and my muscles constricted.
When I began to soften these said muscles, fear seeps like lactic acid and I quickly tighten and balance on my created precariousness.

This evening I walked downtown amongst deteroriating buildings, dirty swollen homeless, girls with fake innocent eyes and darting hips- webbing glances, men holding hands with trusting gals- sticky eyes upon craning necks, hipsters-hippies-hobknobbers-hollyrollers-
...and lettin my eyes glaze, i floated along
A creeping cacophony of sounds trickled on my tuned in ears.
Shuffling feet, distant trains entering town, trucks clumping through narrow streets, blasting stereos, clicking high-heels, doors swishing open and closed, rolling conversations, honking horns, barking dogs, a moon 3 days from full, laughter, and the occassional inner cry in sorrowful eyes, heard if you listen.
It was when I came to, I reminded myself this would all someday be a memory.
Thats what life is.
A series of memories
and those lucky times when you are not thinking that.


im gonna

- ride my bike across america

- travel and work in South America, Africa, Spain, Iceland, Mongolia, Asia...hell everywhere

- stay in huts with families around the world and learn how they live and glean glean glean

- sell most of my stuff and only keep what I need and this includes my books and records

- study Jung, Joseph Campbell, Taoism, chinese medicine

- start climing again

- get good on swim technique and complete a bike/cycle race

- river guide for a summer

- raft the Grand Canyon for a month

- live out of a converted bus around the U.S. - stay in Baja for a summer

- learn french fluently- learn spanish fluently

- live with a Mexican family and glean glean glean

- buy land and build a home, using river rocks, mud- make a brick oven and open the land as to grow a small community

- be a mother who amplifies love without conditions, acceptance, kindness, adventure and strength

- learn african style guitar

- sail on the sea

- spend a month in isolation painting and creating


whats been up yo

I went to Colorado
and rafted down the Ark
I got my lip busted
and bled
and bled
and bled
but I still saw the bluffs
so proud and erect
and I still felt the water
with blood on my lip.
Then I saw mountain ranges
and I guess it seems,
they've been there awhile
with many chiefs in between
...and I squinted
and I looked through my hand-
turned in a circle,
to let certain things in-
then we went inside the park,
and climbed to a waterfall
its name Calypso
and the trees were tall
 the air swirled around us
and the rain did fall
and i sang the song
that broke down my walls.
We drove to Wyoming,
crossed the mountains in the dark,
and I could feel the gravity
and see the moon spark...
and I peered to the side
and saw deepness and dark-
and the moon reflected from my heart.
Now Im back in the home,
where the Rockies live...
and I am full enough so I can give
and I can't remember -
what my door looks like...
but I don't need it,
cause theres one in my heart.

song to slow synchopation

it is when
i am standing
all alone
and i am grabbing
for your hand
it is not found
and i am sad
your in the ground.
it is when
you take the time
to look at me
and what ive found
but your not trying
and i cant bend
this is me
until the end.
it is when
i saw the owl
in the dark
wyoming prowl
that i knew
you were looking
at me tonight
when i was sad
so i let you hold me
well i pretended



I feel beginnings all around me
I am not afraid
but am I living in reality?
Can you make your own reality?
I have
I have had to.
so happy so excited so happy so excited so happy so excited so happy so excited

Your hand so softly touched my face and my cheek thawed
you are thawing me
I probably will keep re-freezing until I feel safe...
will you stay by my banks and look for your reflection in my waters?
will you lay your hands upon my frozen body and feel me as I melt?
the outline of your fingers in me, on me, reminding me you are there until I am free of fear and flowing freely alongside you.




One can learn a lot from a lack of a gesture

a lack of words

a lack of texture.

My mind gets swept up in your words unsaid

and keeps me awake lying in bed.



chaotic seas

the time before i start painting new work, is exhausting.
i wonder if others go through this?
i am familiar with this process now, so i know not to try and fight it
but rather let it wash over me knowing what comes next.
i am not one who can pick up a brush at any given moment and create something
that i connect with...
however, every day, every moment, i am creating.
observing, listening, thinking, reflecting, noticing, reading, repeating, touching, learning, living...
and this is the exhausting part.
my mind will not stop.
there are two things that provide me peace for a time-
long bike rides, and emptying my mind by writing.
other than that>>>-----> i cannot sleep well- eat well- and connect well.
when i am in a conversation it takes everything in me to be present and listen because my mind
is constantly in motion and being stimulated by every single sound, color, smell...
...i cannot be still...
sometimes i wrap my pillow around my head and try and smother out the constant rush.
if i could see inside my mind i would think it looks like a storm
i know that at its climax i will pick up my brush
and paint
and my mind will quiet
and i will enter into myself so deeply that its as though i am fully immersed in the calm
after the storm.
when this is over
suddenly i am thrust back into life that has felt so far away
sea legs
well comes back...



This journey is best taken
chest out
arms wide
and always


Moses rod

i am trying to dam the water in my mind
so that i might explore the bottom
then surface for new air



once i...

stood at my dripping window
grass and trees
and paths and that
lay stretched out before me
and before
i knew it
i was running on the wet grass
it gathering between my toes
wet wind sculpting my hair.
and i was
grass and trees
and paths and that-
no distinction
and then
i stood at my dripping window
dry feet
tired hair
and typed this


first date in the summer

grass stained scraped knees
dirty palms
bare feet
bugs on blanket

orange peels under finger nails
sticky hands
sticky cheeks
citrus teeth

hot naps in hot sun
matted hair
red cheeks
shoulders touch

pen drawings on hands
braiding strings on cut off jeans
meeting eyes

walking home
with clover pockets
hand in hand
backyard beers



papá ido dos años

you are still gone...
you not coming back?
squeezed eyes and muddy knees won't resurrect?

you put the "un" in conditional
do you know padre that no one ever does that?
you are the only person who has loved me with
no matter what

you put the listening in hearing
do you know padre that no one ever does that?
you are the only person who scooped up my words
blew off the dust and rocked them at night

you put the "non" in judgemental
do you know padre that no one ever does that?
you are the only person who saw beneath my human condition
to my heart

you put the gleam in eye
do you know padre that no one ever does that?
you noticed the skips in my walk,
the time in my gifts,
and the light in my eyes

my knees drew your love in
i put your dirt back under my nails
and maybe i can learn to love me the way you did



sea see

sewn, whispers hung from her dry lips
cobwebbed hair pinned loosely to her head
smelling of lemon thyme
soft air when rain...

spraining my throat as it pushes its way out
inflamed by yesterday
and endings

why is it that a blade of grass is no longer sharp
in a field?

sea see sea see sea see
free fee free fee free fee



"they are hip without being slick,
intelligent without being corny,
they are intellectual as hell and know all about Pound
without being pretentious or talking too much about it,
they are very quiet,
they are very Christlike"

describing subterraneans -Jack Kerouac


1 and 3 and 1 and 3 and 1 and 3

so callously and cold
my cuppa feelin bold
threw me out in the cold

this marking on my map
tucked underneath a flap
to u i gave my map

wearily return to travel seas
new cracks and bruises on my knees
sail off on solo seas

where water's fingers slip
your kiss upon my lips
a moment my heart slipped

a journey in the wet
and you my special cuppa
a stain upon my map
and you my searching cuppa
songs of travel trees
and you my dearest cuppa
i am so glad i met

isolation-rainy windows-rock hunting- stick carving- mobile making-picture jumping- secrets-cedar wood, sandalwood, lavender, lemongrass, broken green leaves and baby twigs- open skies that fill my belly- duality- paths that never cross- the smell of knees- red wine, campfire tea-home roasted coffee, green smoothies, yellow delicious apples everyday, fever dreams- drinking from cantaloupes- medium format photography- renegade art- dirty knees- patches- stripes-plaster- diy- reality and daydreams switching places- digging clay- oscillating fans- dioramas- tree worlds- travel tree travelogues- carrots- memories of my father that crawl across the floor, up my arms and into my cheeks- captured images- captured thoughts on my nightstand-turtle homes- hopes- sweat from hard work- long bike rides and aching legs- brushing my teeth outside- dirty fingernails- ink on my hands- unfiltered thoughts- originality- creating from beginnings-mint fields in mist- empty canvases,tubes of paint and endless nights- screaming songs into the wind- sharing secrets with birds- puddles, creeks, streams, hidden worlds behind waterfalls- feather tattoos-looking through paper towel rolls- defying Murphy and his law- green and blue- tearing out pictures- "Ah, but I was so much older then,
I'm younger than that now."(bob dylan)- "I have tried in my way to be free"(leonard cohen)... knowing these words to my very core.- learning-exploring-learning-exploring-slowly moving and watching and experiencing all fully and within the ritual, catching my reflection as a little girl...