...when we break through the blockage of emotion thought,
then we also begin to know who we are and what we are meant
to do in life.
What are we to do in life?
If we don't confuse ourselves too much with our false thinking,
we know.
When we turn away from our personal obsession with ourselves,
the answers become obvious.
But we don't do that easily,
because we're attached to our self-righteous thinking.
Occasionally, there are moments (sometimes hours, even days)
when, though we still have the same problems, it's OK.
...the flow is easy.
then if we're not careful the confusion begins to take over again.
And the clarity and power begin to fade.
...sometimes being willing to be muddled and confused is,
paradoxically the clarity itself.
Instead of trying to figure out the confusion and nervousness so we can arrive
somewhere else, we ask ourselves,
"what does confusion feel like?"
and we settle back into the body and its sensations,
keeping track of the thoughts that float around.
Before we know it we're back on track.
The worst thing we can do is try and be some other way.
...experience ourselves in how we are,
not the way we think we should be.
(Everyday Zen)
all happens as it should in the timing that it should.
i am always amazed that my thoughts are always able
to find the pages retaining the words i need.
just when i think i have everything figured out
confusion sets in and i spend my time trying to seek clarity
and straighten it all out.
i now realize i need to wade out into the muddy waters
observe and wait for the waters to clear.
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