

turns out, change is good

i am so grateful for the peace that has filled my spirit.
it is something i have been longing for.
the last year has been so difficult and full of challenges
but also the opportunity to rediscover who i am, what i value and how strong i can be.
everyone is offered opportunities for growth during hardships
it is just a matter of perspective and the desire to evolve.
i read some of the journal entries written in the depths of despair almost a year ago.
one line i had written particularly caught my eye:
I cannot change any of this, I can only let it change me
and come out wiser, stronger and better equipped.
what a powerful observation made inside the darkness.

it just so happens
i was at a place in my life where i could see a 
history of negative patterns created by a lifetime of 
poor choice making and wounds that had created bad habits.
i wanted change and i didn't want to keep existing in this painful cycle.
through hard reflection, going inward, reading the Bible and the Tao,
journaling, being consistent with creating new habits and burying old ones, 
prayer and erecting boundaries.

i am proud to say i am in a place in my life that is far away 
from the "hamster wheel" i was on.
i feel strong
at peace
sure of who i am
 and what i want
 and i feel

change, it turns out, is a good thing.
in keeping with the spirit of change i will be
documenting and reflecting at a new place.
so much is happening that i want to remember 
but i also want to be present and reflect
blogging is a tremendous tool for me to accomplish this.
stay tuned for the link to my new home.

be blessed today by choosing your thoughts, words, and actions
envision the life you desire
speak words of life
do one thing today that reminds you of the miraculous life you have been gifted
and most important 
::be present::


twenty four

time is passing swiftly on the calendar
and sometimes slowly on a day to day basis.
it usually goes that way when one is so excited for a circled date.
 just a few months until this new life enters our world.
this life that will change ours forever
change mine forever
my heart is so full of love.
as i sit rocking in the chair we just purchased for baby
 its easy to imagine holding her in my arms.
my little girl is excited to meet her sister 
her only stipulation is that she still remains the baby
 this should be an easy condition to meet.
she will always be my little baby.
 being a mom is 
::the greatest::
gift of my life.
i can feel myself slowing down some,
not that i have had much energy in this pregnancy.
 i have been forced to be still.
aside from struggling through nausea, fatigue, 
heartburn, shortness of breath and an overall diversion to food
i have mentioned many times here my struggle with surfacing emotions.
i miss my dad terribly and have felt his presence strongly in these months
but i also miss my family. my mom and my sister.
i will never go into these relationships in this forum i will just
say that they are not in my life and it is a void in my life.
as i get closer to the end i am beginning
to feel this serene peace wash over me.
i have dealt with the wounds and allowed them to be exposed to 
the air and sun and heal on their own.
and they are.
now i can focus more on myself and this special time.
i have to rest and try and put on more weight
and let my sweet Z and little girl pamper me.
so here i am 24 weeks and in a place 
i couldn't have imagined a year ago
but so thankful for the journey and where it has led me
and who i have become through it.
i am a



i have been quiet
surrendering to this time i am not able to do what i use to be able to
surrendering to this changing body full of aches and pains
growing belly full of kicks and punches
sleepy eyes full of dreams and hopes
letting my partner take care of me as he so wonderfully does
so thankful that he loves to take care of me.

this journey has been challenging.
as the baby grows more and more floats to the surface 
and i am at times sad, mad, or hurt.
these emotions are overwhelming at times
but when i acknowledge them, search for their root
and gently pull them out
i become lighter then i was 
letting go and forgiveness 
are the tonic for these wounds.
recently i made the decision to contact someone and share my heart.
my intention was not revenge, not to hurt, not even for them
it was for me to release some pain and take a stand for myself.
to feel strong once again.
their response didn't matter although i will say
it helped to see that i am in a much higher state 
and a much better place.
i don't say this with ego, i say this as someone who has journeyed 
a long ways to get to this place.
it was such a moment of healing for me.
to see how far i have come, to see how much love i have
and to see that the other parties have nothing i desire.
 i am writing this because it truly was a pivotal moment for me.
it allowed me to close this chapter in my life with joy
and most importantly peace.
i am able to offer this person whom i almost let destroy my life
and feel no animosity towards him or the people he has chosen in his life.
rather i feel relief
it is time to face forward and be present
something i struggle with and yearn for.
i find i am able to do this when i:
-am in nature
-am connecting with my daughter
-am connecting with Z

Z has begun his new job and we are grateful.
this allows us more momentum to move forward with our dreams,
spend more time together as a family and prepare for our little papoose.
we have our eyes set towards the Pacific Northwest and have been planting seeds
out there that we hope will grow into opportunities.
there is a possibility of relocating to northern california
to work and live on a educational, sustainable resort.
if it is where we are suppose to go, i trust all will work out.
we plan to convert a van into a traveling mecca 
and travel with the girls out west 
(this is how i envision such things)
the little one will start piano this week and dance the following week.
i think it will be nice to get out more and watch her blossom in all her passions.
we found a wonderful mid-wife and will be having a water birth.
we are dreaming up our playlist and want to be surrounded by candles
loved ones and beautiful energy.
Z is going to play his guitar through some of the labor process too.
i feel peace as we await just 3 1/2 short months.
we have been spending time outdoors playing and
as the weather continues its perfection, camping is on the horizon.
 (matching tats me and Z might get)
and weekly nature exploration with pollywog as autumn reveals 
itself in all her glory.
i am beginning to create again too.
someone asked for me to do a painting for them
and i am starting a handmade baby clothing line for etsy and local marts.
god is good
i am blessed
wounds heal and hearts can love again


sometimes love occurs as a slow

a soft touch that warms your frozen skin
strength for you to lean on while you heal
steadiness as you find your footing once again

kindness that reminds you it is okay to trust again
grace that grows self confidence
respect that reminds one of their worth

a space to laugh again
a shoulder to lean on
someone you can be vulnerable with
and feel utter protection

a slow- quiet- steeping- love
 in the safety of one 


feeling an awakening in my spirit



feeling so much gratitude 
layered with an energy that is hard to explain.
have you ever felt momentum stirring in your life?
tune into it when you are truly focused on your intentions.
it is a swirl that uplifts you.

Z got the job! 
the one we were praying and hoping for.
one that allows him to re-enter his pursuit of creating with his hands, heart and mind.
he is a carpenter
an artist

now he will be doing carpentry
and this will propel him into a place where soon
he will be making his own creations.
we are so grateful.
this new job pays more and supports Z's spirit 
as well as our vision for the future.

change is occurring.
the past several months have been a quiet and still time.
a time for baby to grow
for my body to adapt to all the changes
for us to settle in together as a family
and set our intentions and goals for the future.
now it is time for more movement...
more application.

 as the energy is shifting i am re-arranging the home to fit where we are. 
more indoor plants
shear drapes
 more natural elements brought in
more words and images surrounding us
music from india, africa, and folk playing
candles and incense
baking and experimenting with dishes 

and we will be spending more and more time outdoors 
we crave this 
i crave this
(camping with friends, potlucks and bbq's)
and of course preparing for this new life to enter our lives.
days are passing quickly and love is swelling from our hearts.

i feel a peace inside
i am quiet
walking in the woods and touching the earth is a must
reading and daydreaming about gardening, making soaps, yogurt,
breads, art projects, pottery
connect me to my spirit
i am singing more and learning guitar...
nali sings constantly and it inspires me.

i am in an inspired state of being

 (this image has for some reason makes me happy. Z says she looks like me...
i just connect to it...the red feather in the hair, the flowing top, the warrior "tattoos"
gonna start wearing feathers in my hair. through this pregnancy i felt my warrior spirit emerge.
i listen to the music of my people, the Iroquois Mohawks and my daughters name
will represent this. As soon as i am able i will be adding to my warrior tattoos!
Z is getting a buffalo in honor of our daughter and my heritage.)






not sure if its pregnancy hormones
or just my typical daydreaming
but my mind is continuously filled
with thoughts of moving to the pacific northwest
to being close to the earth again
gardening and digging in the soil
a small farm house or cottage
wash on the line
outdoor cooking and eating
sunsets and rocking chairs
hikes and creeks 
cricket filled moon glow nights...
it fills my mind so much i find myself hardly present.
i truly believe in my heart that there is this special place 
for us.
today i was thinking about the islands off washington
on beautiful land and near the ocean.




visions on board

Z and I have been soaking in our visions lately.
at night as we lie in bed we talk about our dreams.
i imagine them floating above our heads.
we write down goals, make plans
and find images aligned with our visions
and feel this excitement welling up in our bellys.

it is hard not to want it all to happen NOW
but the universe has a better way.
right now is the time for preparation.
to learn what we will need to know for the times ahead.
to grow our sweet baby.
to grow close as a family.
it all is happening as it should.

each day i am writing down my intentions
and tonight we are finally making our vision board.
it is so magical and new for me to have this life partner
that has the same endeavors as me and the skills and knowledge i long for.
he is my soulmate
the person i have been waiting to travel through this life with.

are two big dreams are to move to land and live off this land.
this is a broad concept and time will narrow it.
secondly, to travel as a family in a van
a few months at a time.

a blog i often read foxlane
is so inspiring in both of these aspects.
the family lives in Australia and is and has done both.
they have a book out about their time caravaning
called vantastic.
they also recently posted a small film about this.
they are worth checking out.
they seem to have carved out a beautiful life and have inspired us.


corriendo salvaje

i was a sprinter and high jumper during my school days in track and field.
i hated training...running behind the coaches car felt like torture.
it wasn't until my early twenties  that i got back into running.
i have always been an athlete and at the time i was an avid
climber, backpacker,swimmer and pretty obsessed with watching and reading about endurance races.
that is when running got a grip on me.
i decided i wanted to try my hand at a marathon, then a make my way
to triathlons. that was what i was most stoked about.
so i started running again. on my off days i was bouldering and climbing 2 plus hours a day.
i preferred the latter as long distance running was brutal for me.
as i do everything, i jumped into training fully and was feeling the burn.

then i crushed my ankle in a bouldering mishap.
just like that everything that was, was no longer.
it was a devastating injury. it occurred at the beginning of the summer.
suddenly this once super active gal was stuck on my ass.
the injury was severe and permanent. i was in a hard cast 
3 months and a walking cast another 3. followed by physical therapy.
unfortunately some natural fusion occurred and i lost almost all of my ankle mobility.
i endured intense chronic pain for 2 years. i couldn't walk a half a mile
without significant swelling and unbearable pain.
i sunk into a depression.
no more backpacking, no more running and i couldn't imagine climbing again.
i saw specialist after specialist and was always told the same news...
"there is nothing that can be done. this is permanent and will only continue to worsen.
you will suffer arthritis and the threat of your talus dying is high requiring a full ankle fusion."
being active was my identity, who was i if i wasn't "this" anymore.
 i had to go inward and discover more about myself.
i became very proactive with my diet, eating as healthy as i could.
i became proactive with my mind, devouring as much wisdom as i could contain
and redefining myself and discovering all of me.
in this time i realized how determined and strong i am
but i also realized how powerful our bodies are.
the self healing capabilities are vast and i couldn't take the word of doctors who
 didn't know my mind and body.
so i decided there would be no more "cannots" and more "yes i cans"
this is when i got into cycling and swimming even more. 

i also started working on building up the stabilizing muscles in my ankle
to support the parts of the ankle that no longer worked.
i swam laps and took spin classes avidly.
my body began to thrive as well as my spirit.
i iced my ankle after workouts, took supplements and ate
foods that had anti-inflammatory properties.
the chronic pain began to fade and i began to feel strong.
when my body is strong it directly affects how fearless i become.
when i started landscaping and gardening i started growing all sorts of new muscles
and forms of "toughness".
i even went bouldering again. 
this was mentally challenging for me and i haven't fully entered
climbing again, but i plan to.
this past year i went through a significant loss.
i felt anxiety constantly and had an ache i could not rid.
i didn't know how to cope. 
so i journaled, meditated and studied the Tao.
but my body needed a form of processing.
my body screamed to run.
something i thought i would never do again.
but i strapped on my running shoes, put ear phones in
and started to run.
i couldn't run far at first but i was surprised i could run at all.
no pain, no swelling...a funny gait maybe but i was running.
i cried while i ran, i sang, i smiled.
i ran through rain, through snow (which was magical)
i ran after 9 hour of labor at work.
i ran at night under street lights.
i ran until the ache went away and i could sleep through the night.
i did a 5K and set my sights on my first endurance race.
my body felt alive and looked great.
running saved me.

i didn't get to do that endurace race because i got really sick
and found out i was pregnant.
i haven't really been able to run in five months because of how 
sick i have been but i think about it every day.
i am a runner.
it is my blood.
i will run again.
i plant to try some pregnant running.
i still have my muscular legs and body from running and i think i my 
body will bounce back faster after baby.
never listen to the can'ts.
our bodies are powerful self healing machines
and so are our hearts.



some amazing things are beginning to stir.
visions, thoughts, dreams and words are manifesting.
this weekend vision boards are being made 
and daily meditations creating momentum occurring.

it feels so good to have energy again and not be sick all day long.
we have been hiking and walking more and more.
yesterday we chased the little one on her bike for two miles.
this mama was worn out and happy.

this upcoming week i am starting a new regimine.
2 mile hike or jog twice a week
and thrice a week spinning and weights.
being fit while pregnant makes it more comfortable,
supports an easier labor and getting back into shape afterward.

i am setting the goal of an endurace race that occurs five and half months
after baby- so i want to keep some endurance up.
we are going camping and backpacking in September too, so i need to 
regain some muscles.

inbetween all the exciting goals and daily goodness
i have been letting some stress and negativity seep in.
this is all a part of the process of pregnancy.
 the wonderful ina may gaskin talks about how during these 9 months
hurts and issues we have submerged over time began to surface.
its an opportunity to make peace before this life enters my life.
she goes on to say that if one doesn't deal with what emerges it can 
create a more painful and difficult labor.
i am being thoughtful about what surfaces.
i allow it to sit with me. allow myself to feel angry, hurt, betrayed
or whatever emotion accompanies it
and then i try to make peace with it.
i am realizing that in some cases i need to just eliminate my exposure
to certain people and things in order to forge ahead into a peaceful
positive life.

exciting dreams beginning to make their way into reality:
 - the dream to travel over a summer with my little ones in a souped up van
and sell art and wares.
Z does custom furniture building from fallen trees and other found natural materials.
his work is unbelievable. he apprenticed under this father who ran a sawmill.
he also does custom finishes to create rustic looks.
he has been offered the opportunity to work for someone who salvages wood from torn
down barns and old hotels and buildings from all over the world and uses them
for furniture and or remodels.
Z will be making custom tables and furniture with this wood.
we pinched ourselves realizing this aligns with our goal to travel with the girls 
to arts and craft festivals all over the US next summer.
him selling his custom work and me selling my paintings and art pieces.
i also will be pursuing my pottery more and hope to incorporate that as well.

- i am feeling re-inspired creatively. i took a hiatus, as i do every time i make a body of work
and let life simmer and marinate ideas. i am designing a new body of work that i am excited about.

- nali starts piano and spanish soon and is passionate about making music
and speaking a second language.
this is entirely of her own accord. she is such a special little girl who has
her own individual visions i am determined to support.
i believe this second language will come in handy as we plan 
to travel throughout mexico and south america in the near future.
at the young age of 6 she has already begun to create her own style of singing
that is, well, i am amazed and proud.

goals both big and small
- prenatal yoga 
- fitness goals mentioned above
- pottery class
- save for a van that we will convert to our summer home and to run on veggie oil
- new art series
- vision board this weekend
- support Z in his new business and creative endeavor
- begin chinese philosophy course
- begin establishing farm/homesteading gig to start in the spring



as deep as the ocean, high as the sky, more then all the sand on the beach

when happiness finds me

...when we break through the blockage of emotion thought, 
then we also begin to know who we are and what we are meant
to do in life.
What are we to do in life?
If we don't confuse ourselves too much with our false thinking,
we know.
When we turn away from our personal obsession with ourselves,
the answers become obvious.
But we don't do that easily,
because we're attached to our self-righteous thinking.
Occasionally, there are moments (sometimes hours, even days)
when, though we still have the same problems, it's OK.
...the flow is easy.
then if we're not careful the confusion begins to take over again.
And the clarity and power begin to fade.
...sometimes being willing to be muddled and confused is,
paradoxically the clarity itself.
Instead of trying to figure out the confusion and nervousness so we can arrive
somewhere else, we ask ourselves,
"what does confusion feel like?" 
and we settle back into the body and its sensations, 
keeping track of the thoughts that float around.
Before we know it we're back on track.
The worst thing we can do is try and be some other way.
...experience ourselves in how we are,
not the way we think we should be.
(Everyday Zen)

all happens as it should in the timing that it should.
i am always amazed that my thoughts are always able 
to find the pages retaining the words i need. 
just when i think i have everything figured out
confusion sets in and i spend my time trying to seek clarity
and straighten it all out.
i now realize i need to wade out into the muddy waters
observe and wait for the waters to clear.
isolation-rainy windows-rock hunting- stick carving- mobile making-picture jumping- secrets-cedar wood, sandalwood, lavender, lemongrass, broken green leaves and baby twigs- open skies that fill my belly- duality- paths that never cross- the smell of knees- red wine, campfire tea-home roasted coffee, green smoothies, yellow delicious apples everyday, fever dreams- drinking from cantaloupes- medium format photography- renegade art- dirty knees- patches- stripes-plaster- diy- reality and daydreams switching places- digging clay- oscillating fans- dioramas- tree worlds- travel tree travelogues- carrots- memories of my father that crawl across the floor, up my arms and into my cheeks- captured images- captured thoughts on my nightstand-turtle homes- hopes- sweat from hard work- long bike rides and aching legs- brushing my teeth outside- dirty fingernails- ink on my hands- unfiltered thoughts- originality- creating from beginnings-mint fields in mist- empty canvases,tubes of paint and endless nights- screaming songs into the wind- sharing secrets with birds- puddles, creeks, streams, hidden worlds behind waterfalls- feather tattoos-looking through paper towel rolls- defying Murphy and his law- green and blue- tearing out pictures- "Ah, but I was so much older then,
I'm younger than that now."(bob dylan)- "I have tried in my way to be free"(leonard cohen)... knowing these words to my very core.- learning-exploring-learning-exploring-slowly moving and watching and experiencing all fully and within the ritual, catching my reflection as a little girl...