to make the decision to truly
"know thyself"
can be an uncomfortable process
for me it is a time of solitude, then tests of companionship.
at times it can feel like a selfish endeavor
but it is an endeavor of great importance.
establishing who you are within
acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses
having keen awareness
is the compass for one's life.
in the process
sorrow might arise
pain might arise
anger might arise
the sources of each are your savior.
for the discovery of each is the opportunity to purge with finality.
in the process
being around others too frequently
can impede and distract you.
to know who you are without societal imprints
provides an immunity for living authentically.
this process is a life long one
with moments of re-establishment.
but layers stick and the knowing, closer each time.
to go inward is a time of quiet.
meditation, being still, writing, listening,
it is in the stillness
that movement can be felt.
it is in the letting go
that we receive
it is in non-resistance
peace is discovered
it is in unattachment
we become free.
Today: When I walk let me be present in my walking.
When I rest let me be present in my resting
When I eat let me be present in my eating
When I read let me be present in my reading
When I am working let me be present in my working
Today let me rid myself of thoughts of distraction that compete with