" My words pushed through her head, then crept across her eyes.
She didn't have to speak. I knew what she was thinking. Sick with silence my mind became a volley of words, tossing back and forth until one fell, then I spoke again.
What I said, I cannot recall, it was spewed out and empty- she knew this.
She was just as ready as I to be done with this conversation.
I turned and walked away, knowing that this moment would never be spoken of again.I crumpled, and tossed it to the ground, my shoulders lifting and falling into the rhythm of my step."
She didn't have to speak. I knew what she was thinking. Sick with silence my mind became a volley of words, tossing back and forth until one fell, then I spoke again.
What I said, I cannot recall, it was spewed out and empty- she knew this.
She was just as ready as I to be done with this conversation.
I turned and walked away, knowing that this moment would never be spoken of again.I crumpled, and tossed it to the ground, my shoulders lifting and falling into the rhythm of my step."