Deep inside my heart and its splintered at its core
Molden curdle of milken puddle
Dreams of warm breasts settling in my mouth
To be my spouse make a bale and a house
Apple tree, drunken brawl domestically
Dirty dog dusty pawed bloody nose roses embroidered sheets
Dangle like women in the breeze on a line above the yard
In my heart a flower dies slow like a campfire covered
In piss mellows like snow fall
Molden curdle of milken puddle
Dreams of warm breasts settling in my mouth
To be my spouse make a bale and a house
Apple tree, drunken brawl domestically
Dirty dog dusty pawed bloody nose roses embroidered sheets
Dangle like women in the breeze on a line above the yard
In my heart a flower dies slow like a campfire covered
In piss mellows like snow fall

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