this funk got me round the ankles... (but it drives me i think?)
when my head can't pick a path to take, when everything sounds good
and nothing sounds right. when i'm reading 3 books at once, listening to good, sweet songs, watching movies, dreaming, daydreaming, evening dreaming, projects scattered round waiting for my hands and juice to flow at the same time...and i'm trying to read Plato, really read it, because dammit i really want to...i want to know what everything means...i want lock combination's, keys, treasure maps...and today i feel like my perception is inside the cave...but i want to be seeing "it" in the light- and man, sometimes i do... but not today.
its like when i see a house and then i see a whole life inside it, but then i think of there and i remember that i can't have any of that here, and then i see i'm a traveler, but then my toes start sprouting roots...and then that changes, i am always changing and sometimes i just wanna stay the same.
tides in and out, in and out and i never catch them out to sea- i just wet my whistle, and my feet stay soggy but my hair doesn't get wet... and sometimes i wish i had the map to my life so that i could navigate, because i am a poor sailor- today

"beauty above me, beauty below me, beauty behind me, beauty ahead of me, I'm on the pollen path" - Navajo
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