"i could fucking die tomorrow...
fuck that
fuck you
fuck it all
i'm so pissed
not about the dying part, cause the point is it can happen
and that would be the canned laughter to this joke of a life...
hardy har har
grass greener there
grass green here
my damn grass is green, soft, roly poly nap grass
i love my field but i don't like your fence on it
er...or maybe it's not yours maybe it's mine
maybe i'm a time bomb
imagining fences and walls and gates
that are not there.
oh rules...i hate you
you and me have been butting heads since day one
i test you
and people cry.there is this polaroid that
i want to crawl into
when i look at it i can smell the room
hear the conversation
remember that feeling-
- i have spent the last fucking years
trying to lasso-
bucking bronco bucking me off
the more i resist
the more i get tossed...
man that's just it though -
i don't know
know because the book hasn't been written yet.
the damn thing hasn't been written...
i keep forgetting that...
books, movies, songs, paintings
we've seen so many endings we forget we can write our own..
each and every day...
each and every day! get that- that is fucking amazing!"
my blue suitcase,
waiting patiently...
it's funny what you pack when you don't know
where you're going...
if you're going...
what if i leave
sit on the bed of a hotel room
watch television, drink a bottle of wine, eat my favorite food
cry hysterically, laugh hysterically, dance on the bed, braid my bangs, smile about what i wanna go do
make a list about what i wanna go do
and realize
it was all me...
(cause you can't leave that behind)