you are still gone...
you not coming back?
squeezed eyes and muddy knees won't resurrect?
you put the "un" in conditional
do you know padre that no one ever does that?
you are the only person who has loved me with
no matter what
you put the listening in hearing
do you know padre that no one ever does that?
you are the only person who scooped up my words
blew off the dust and rocked them at night
you put the "non" in judgemental
do you know padre that no one ever does that?
you are the only person who saw beneath my human condition
to my heart
you put the gleam in eye
do you know padre that no one ever does that?
you noticed the skips in my walk,
the time in my gifts,
and the light in my eyes
my knees drew your love in
i put your dirt back under my nails
and maybe i can learn to love me the way you did